New Jersey Franchisee Shares the Key to Juggling Life and Business Ownership

Young Rembrandts franchisee Linda Freedman has felt career satisfaction like never before since opening her location in 2013
With a long history working in and for schools, franchisee Linda Freedman believes that flexibility is key to maintaining a busy business while juggling life’s demands. Previously an educational sales representative who sold school books in the elementary education division, Linda worked with superintendents, principals and school committees that supported each school’s mission.
She’s long been passionate about the impact art and literature can have on students. And now that Linda owns a Young Rembrandts franchise in Mt. Arlington, New Jersey, she’s working in and for schools in a different capacity.
“Young Rembrandts is especially unique because it’s inclusive of children with all different behavioral and physical abilities,” she says. “Running my Young Rembrandts business means that I have flexibility. I’m still allowed to have a life while I run a successful business and do other activities and projects at the same time.”
After purchasing her Young Rembrandts location in 2013, Linda has felt career satisfaction like never before, compounded by the fact that she is afforded a work-life balance that was lacking in her life before this entrepreneurial journey.
With Young Rembrandts, franchisees can live the lifestyle they’ve always wanted to just like Linda. The franchise opportunity provides the perfect work-life balance for entrepreneurs who are seeking satisfaction at work, personal freedom and pride in business ownership. Most importantly, franchisees can positively impact children and families in their communities.