Part One
Franchisee's Memorable Moments
Young Rembrandts Franchisees are an active part of their community. Our business model is hands-on and our owners love every second of it. Here are a few of our owner's favorite moments from the last year...
“My favorite YR classroom memory is a repeatable one. That moment when a student (usually one who has already professed that the drawing looks too hard) says “I did it!” and smiles. That never goes out of style.”
“Getting a thank you note from a student after our session was over. She had drawn the previous lesson at the bottom. I had never experienced that, ever, in my (previous) career. ”
“I went to sub and there was a special need girl in the class. Her mom had called and asked if it was ok to register her in the class as she was in 7th grade. She was very focused and engaged with the drawing. When mom came, I introduced myself and with tears in her eyes she told me how grateful she was that her daughter could participate in the class.”
“A long time YR student who has always been in the background of the classes came alive when we did the Great Wall of China lesson this winter. She is Chinese and was very excited to see something from her “home country”. She told the class all about the Great Wall and ever since then she’s been a different person in class, much more animated and 'herself'.”
“Hunter was one of the kindergarten students in a class of about 30 kids. At first, he had trouble finishing his drawings and focusing. He is now in first grade and I have examples of his drawings and how they have gotten so much better and he is now the first one to finish. Perfect strokes and perfect coloring. Mom talks to us after every class. She thanks us and tells us how much they love the classes. Hunter is just one, of many, that I have personally seen improve in only 1.5 years.”
“While I was hanging drawings, the teacher of one of my kindergartners, stopped by to comment. She found her student’s work and informed me that his writing and fine motor skills have improved so much. He tells her that art is his favorite class and that he is an artist.”
“One of our instructors came to a meeting, beaming with excitement, about a student (1st grade) who after finishing her lesson urgently asked for a blank sheet to draw something else. A few minutes later she brought the hurried drawing to the instructor and it was a picture of the student in the school, in the classroom with a heart over the building. The caption was: 'I love art. I love you.'"